Friday, June 26, 2015

Remove The Interference

The power that made the body can also heal it. Chiropractic just clears the path.

Remove The Interference

The power that made the body can also heal it. Chiropractic just clears the path.

Monday, June 22, 2015

STRESS is recognized as the #1 proxy killer...

STRESS is recognized as the #1 proxy killer disease today. Our job? To restore your ability to adapt to stress.

STRESS is recognized as the #1 proxy killer...

The American Medical Association has noted that stress is the basic cause of more than 60% of all human illness and disease. Below is a diagram showing you how stress can affect your body. Don't let stress take over your life and ask us how we can help you out with Chiropractic care.

Do You Have Headaches?

Do You Have Headaches? Get our free report

Do You Have Headaches?

Muscle contractions interfere with the sensitive fibers at the base of the neck that lead to the brain and spinal cord. This muscle tension often plays a contributing factor to headache pain. A study conducted by Dr. Wright found that the vast majority of migraine headache sufferers has misalignments of the spinal vertebrae in the neck that was placing pressure on the spinal nerves. Remedy of headache pain is two-fold: Remove pressure on the nerves caused by spinal misalignments. Reduce tension in neck muscles to minimize nerve pressure due to tight muscles.

Stress Kills: Learn to Adapt, not Cope with it.

Stress Kills: Learn to Adapt, not Cope with it.

Stress Kills: Learn to Adapt, not Cope with it.

June 14, 2015Stress Kills: Learn to Adapt, not Cope with it. June 14, 2015/Tae Kim The Stress in America survey results show that adults continue to report high levels of stress and that their levels of stress have increased over the past year. From children to the elderly, everyone is constantly bombarded with stress in various shapes and sizes. Now it's at a point where stress has become a natural part of life. We have grown to accept it. But are we really learning to adapt to this ever-growing levels of stress? Or are we simply in denial? Stress is a top health concern in many countries and it poses many long-term health implications. The National Institutes of Mental Health states that approximately 1 out of 75 people may experience...Read More

What is causing your Inflammation?

New Research Discovers That Depression Is An Allergic Reaction To Inflammation…/new-research-discovers-tha-depr…/

Interesting article as it ties into our upcoming program on July 16th at the Indian Praire Library: You'll receive a wealth of information that could be a game changer for you. Register here:

Friday, June 19, 2015

Do you feel run down all the time and can’t find the energy to make it through the day? Do suffer from excessive thirst, and consequently make trips to the restroom all day? Do you sometimes experience numbness in your legs and feet? Well then, this report is especially for you. You may have diabetes and not even know it!

Click Here for your free report. 

How Conventional Medicine Got Autoimmune Diseases All Wrong

As shared by our functional medicine colleague Dr. Amy Myers

I believe conventional medicine has it all wrong when it comes to treating autoimmune disease. Autoimmune conditions affect over 50 million Americans, a large percentage of whom are women. Autoimmune diseases are now the third leading chronic disease in the country right behind heart disease and cancer. They are a top ten leading cause of death in women under the age of 65, and they come in more than 80 different varieties, including rheumatoid arthritis, type I diabetes, Lupus, thyroid disease, psoriasis, multiple sclerosis, and more. Yet, it takes an average of six-to-ten doctors and five years to receive one of these autoimmune diagnoses. What is conventional medicine doing wrong?

Autoimmune Disease: A Disease Of The Immune System
Under our current medical system, autoimmune diseases are not recognized as diseases of the immune system as a whole. Instead they are seen as diseases of particular organs. Unfortunately, that means that there isn’t a unified branch in conventional medicine to treat autoimmune conditions. With cancer for example, we have cancer specialists called oncologists who treat many different types of cancers no matter which organ system they involve. Yes, there are some sub-specialties within oncology, but they typically still fall under one main oncology umbrella.

If, on the other hand, you are suffering from an autoimmune disease, you will see a specialist who focuses on the organ system that is being affected: a rheumatologist for rheumatoid arthritis; an endocrinologist for Hashimoto’s and diabetes, a gastroenterologist for celiac, ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s; a dermatologist for psoriasis; and so on. If you have multiple autoimmune conditions, as many people do, you will see several different specialists.

Supporting, Rather Than Suppressing, The Immune System
In conventional medicine, the belief is that once you have an autoimmune condition, there’s nothing you can do to reverse it, only ways to manage the symptoms. Managing the symptoms typically involves harsh medications that are aimed at suppressing your immune system. While these medications can be effective at reducing some of the symptoms of the disease, since they suppress the entire immune system, they are not without many unwanted side effects such as fatigue, weight gain, depression, increased infection rates and even cancer.

In contrast, functional medicine sees the body as a whole and works on the principle that the health of one system impacts the health and function of the others. Instead of focusing on disease symptom management, we focus on supporting and strengthening the immune system by getting to the root of why the immune system went rogue in the first place. While there is no known cure for autoimmune disease, I believe that there are five key elements that are at the root of all autoimmune conditions.

By Dr. Surrusco
In our functional chiropractic wellness practice I have been able to successfully help hundreds of patients lower and reverse antibodies, get off their harsh medications, and become symptom free by following certain guidelines that help individuals have remarkable results. Visit the center for a no obligation consultation so we can discuss your situation and see if we can accept your case.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Innate Works Best

"Chiropractors adjust subluxations, relieving pressure from the nerves so that they can perform their functions in a normal manner. The innate can and will do the rest." B.J. Palmer, D.C., Ph.C.

Innate Works Best

"Chiropractors adjust subluxations, relieving pressure from the nerves so that they can perform their functions in a normal manner. The innate can and will do the rest." B.J. Palmer, D.C., Ph.C.
This is a fantastic interview/ share from my Colleague and Mentor Dr Tom , Please take the time to watch and if you have questions and or would like our help getting healthy Call Today it will be life changing!

Friday, June 12, 2015

Reduce Stress

The most effective way to help relieve stress is through lifestyle habits such as improved spinal alignment, exercise, breathing exercises, and coping strategies.

Reduce Stress

The most effective way to help relieve stress is through lifestyle habits such as improved spinal alignment, exercise, breathing exercises, and coping strategies.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Have you been experiencing head pain, such as migraine headaches? Is this pain disrupting your everyday life? If you answered “yes” to these questions, then it is time that you and I get together for a consultation. My name is Dr. Anthony Surrusco, and I am the number one chiropractor specializing in head pain in the Clarendon Hills area, and I can help to alleviate your pain using traditional chiropractic methods. Living with pain of any kind can cause many disruptions in your life, especially when your pain is from headaches. Not only are you experiencing pain, you more than likely find yourself constantly fatigued, or on the other end of the spectrum, having difficulty sleeping because of the pain. You don’t need to live like this. If you are in the Clarendon Hills, Illinois, I can help to eliminate your head pain. Head Pain is Often Caused by Muscle Stress I see so many patients who are suffering needlessly from headaches at my office located at 421 Park Ave, 60514. Often, head pain is caused by muscle stress, especially in the neck and shoulder muscles. With the right chiropractic care, you will find that your headaches lessen significantly, if not disappear altogether. I have the experience and use the latest chiropractic techniques to eliminate your head pain, as well as heal the source of that pain. Don’t Live with Head Pain Any Longer If you are experiencing head pain and think that it may be caused by muscle tension, I can help you. Remember, head pain is not something that you have to live with forever. I can rid you of your pain by dealing with the source, without the need for drugs or surgery. Get a Free Consultation by calling (630) 882-5219 or clicking the link below

Get Your Free Headache Report

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

What are you thinking about?

What are you thinking about? 3rd dimension to better health. #Thinkwell, #Creatingwellness

What are you thinking about?

Positive thinking evokes more energy, more initiative and more happiness. Learn great tips for positive thinking through our programs at Humanity's Team!

Monday, June 8, 2015

The Art Of Healing

"If you think wellness is expensive, then try illness!" Vincent Alcordo

The Art Of Healing

"If you think wellness is expensive, then try illness!" Vincent Alcordo
46.3% lighter than any of our other functional orthotics, the XP3™ is designed to help your most competitive patients conquer any athletic challenge and crush that which holds them back. Thin-profile and lightweight functional orthotic Ideal for athletic footwear, from running shoes to cleats, from hiking boots to spikes Super shock absorbent heel cushioning to reduce force impact Tested by athletes who push beyond the limits, the XP3 is proven to withstand the most extreme training programs and competitions.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

That's Chiropractic

The power that can make the body can also heal it. That's chiropractic.

That's Chiropractic

The power that can make the body can also heal it. That's chiropractic.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Restore Balance

Restore the balance in your body with chiropractic. Get checked for subluxations today.

Restore Balance

Restore the balance in your body with chiropractic. Get checked for subluxations today.

The Power Of Positive Thought

Your mind is a powerful thing. Fill it with positive thoughts, your life will change.

The Power Of Positive Thought

Your mind is a powerful thing. When you fill it with positive thoughts, your life will start to change.