Tuesday, March 31, 2015

When your Doctor invalidates your gut feeling.

This was a great share from a gal who posted on Dr. Amy Myers MD site regarding how many conventional practitioners dismiss nutrition as a major factor in our health.
Alysia Weeks Thomas "So true. This past week I was finally able to see an endocrinologist for my Hashimotos. She completely dismissed all I have studied and researched about the importance of diet as "crap." She told me that there is nothing I can do aside from take medicine that will affect my disease. I left her office rather angry but feeling grateful that I had learned what I did before I went in to see her, otherwise what a depressing experience it would have been. She wouldn't even run the labs I asked her to. She just wanted to look at TSH and nothing more. So infuriating. I feel for the people that haven't heard of functional medicine to treat this disease and go to her only to be told what I was."
We are so pleased to be able to offer patients a functional and chiropractic approach to faster recovery and long lasting health. Working together through this alternative approach, our patients begin to thrive, succeed and overcome a laundry list of health issues. Contact us today for more information and get yourself connected with a lifestyle based practice.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Don't Wait - Get Checked Today

Don't wait until you're in pain before you call for an appointment. Get checked today.

Don't Wait - Get Checked Today

Don't wait until you're in pain before you call for an appointment. Get checked today.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Free To Be

We're happy to carry this high quality supplemental brand at our center. Reach us anytime.

Free To Be

The list of our Gluten Free products continues to grow. Welcome to the club: Cataplex B-GF >> http://bit.ly/1LAU0CU Cardio-Plus GF >> http://bit.ly/18iH8oH

Nerve and Lifestyle Interference

Our state of the technology will identify where you hold your stress within your body.

Nerve and Lifestyle Interference

Everyone deserves to be healthy and express their full potential from the time they are born through their last breath of life. This includes you and your loved ones. Nerve and lifestyle interference can affect your health and life in on many levels and in many ways, and reduce the expression of this potential on a daily basis. Understanding... READ MORE www.100yearlifestyle.com © 2014 The Family Practice, Inc., Dr. Eric Plasker and The 100 Year Lifestyle. All Rights Reserved.

The Interference Principle

How do you know if there is a kink in your chain? You probably have a chronic symptom.

The Interference Principle

Remove the interference. Live up to your potential!